Wildlife Visitors in September 2016

Although it was cold, wet and miserable these animals visited our place during September, you can visit other bloggers who contribute to Wildlife Wednesdays here.

Sliding the cursor over the image will show the caption or if you click on an image it will take you to a Slideshow with larger images where you’ll also be able to read the captions.



I was forced into a quest this morning, it was suddenly very important to have a Guardsman’s jacket. With my sewing machine in for repair I certainly wasn’t going to start from scratch. Thank goodness for the local Salvation Army shop, our quest for a long sleeved, red shirt was successful. The quest for gold buttons was simple, I just needed to go to my button jar.

Wildlife Visitors in August 2016

I liked this challenge Wildlife Wednesdays and thought I’d participate but decided I preferred to keep the photos in the post for the month they were taken. I’ll be able to check back and see if the timing of the sightings is the same next year.

Not all wildlife at our place cooperates with me, we have aggressive Red Wattlebirds everywhere but let them see a camera and they’re off. Rainbow Lorikeets on the other hand and all too keen to show off their colours. There are lots of little birds that flit about like butterflies in the tops of the Gum Trees, no way can I get a shot of those.

I hope I’ll get better photos of some creatures but for this month these are the ones I have to go with.

If you click on an image it will take you to a slideshow where they’re larger and the captions are visible.