Weekly Photo Challange: Threes

There has been an absolute cacophony around our home over the last week or so. Rainbow Lorikeets and Musk Lorikeets have been responsible, the Red Wattlebirds just get stuck into the Grey Box blossoms without adding to the ruckus.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Treasure


“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” Across the world thousands of these must be thrown into the rubbish everyday but I will always treasure mine. For anyone who doesn’t recognise them they are identity  tags put around newborns’ ankles.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Object

Mystery Object
Mystery Object

Of course I was reminded of this by seeing Cheri’s lovely photo of the juggling ball. Because I have no real idea what this is I was trying to get just a clear photo of the object but that became quite a challenge. Outside there were too many distracting reflections in the glass, inside was too dark. (It’s over 40 deg C here at the moment so the shutters are closed & lights are too glary) . I also wanted to show the 4 “blades” and that took a bit of catching. The object was amongst my late father’s stuff & I wonder if it is some kind of toy. If there is any heat below, the blades spin and also if you walk along with it in your hand the air movement makes the blades spin. There are no wires to connect anything at all. Any ideas?