On the Way

I wasted a lot of time searching this week but decided on this one because it certainly suggests we’re on our way. It was a long journey, over 3000 kms  from Adelaide, South Australia to Darwin, NT and then we had to come back home again. We certainly saw a lot along the way.



Still Tormented

After months I’m still struggling to understand my Galaxy Tab but came a little further today. I want to be able to store photos on an SD card, find them later and edit them. On my PC it’s a breeze, I just download them into specific folders, I can always find them whenever I want to but it’s a completely different story on the Tablet.

I have a Panasonic digital camera so I’m using Panasonic Image App to get the photos from my camera to my tablet. Using the camera’s WiFi feature I can download to the Tablet without cables, access to internet or any other WiFi network. I’m now using the OpenX app to work with my files because it has the ability to move files to the external SD card and to delete files.

Using OpenX I’ve created a folder called Photos on the external SD card and here’s how I get my photos onto that card.

Open Image App. On the tablet

Without switching the camera on press the WiFi button

Select QR code on Image App

Place the camera in front of the tablet camera and move it around until it focuses in the square.

Tap Transfer Image (This does not transfer the file to your tablet)

Tap Select button in the top right of the screen

Tap each image you want to transfer, a green tick will appear in each selection.

Send to tablet

In the bottom left corner of your screen tap the icon, your images will be copied to your tablet.

Copying completed        Tap OK


Press the Home button on the tablet

Tap the OpenX app

In the right pane you’ll see SD card/DCIM/Image App, the images are in there. Tap to open the folder

Go to the left pane.

Scroll down to the “Photos” folder on External SD card. Tap it to open

In the central column there are small icons, tap Copy

Check box  Move mode (delete source files)


Photos will appear in Image App within the Photos folder on the external SD card.


If you know an easier way to do it I’d love to hear how, I need to be able to transfer the files without access to the net because when we’re travelling that’s often not possible.

I’ve discovered that even if you delete photos from your tablet they can still appear in your Gallery because they’re in the cache, even switching off your device won’t get rid of them.  When I FINALLY discovered how to clear the cache the photos were gone. I found the instructions here: http://www.verizonwireless.com/support/knowledge-base-119427/

Just in case they disappear I’ve taken a screen dump of the instructions and here they are:

clear cache



A walk around the yard today found a few enveloped things. I couldn’t choose between two so I’ve decided to post both.


Something has happened allowing me to glimpse petals enveloped inside this Fuchsia bud.


I attached a single tiny Elkhorn plant to a tree stump now, years later, the stump is completely enveloped by “volunteer” Elkhorns.

Forces of Nature

Although this looks like wind has been at work that wasn’t the natural force that caused this big tree to split and fall, last Saturday was a still day. Tiny creatures have been at work. Maybe one single chomp from an enthusiastic termite was enough to finally split the tree, an emission of gas from an active bacteria or that last micron of filament put out by a fungi. Even tiny organisms are forces of nature to be reckoned with! (Gravity played a part too but that’s another natural force.)


Firstly an intricate example from nature, the centre of a Cosmos flower.


Now a manufactured example, a Caithness Glass cufflink.

intricate2It’s been annoying me that the cufflink looks so flat. The photo really doesn’t do it justice so I’m adding a photo of a Caithness Glass ring, it was bought in about 1971 and they don’t seem to make them anymore.  If you click on the link it’ll take you to a video of a paperweight being made. The ring is made by “lampwork” I think. So here’s the photo of the ring, still not showing the true beauty but better than the cufflink, I hope.
