Wildlife Visitors in November 2016

You can visit other bloggers who contribute to Wildlife Wednesdays here.

If you click on a tiled image it will take you to a slideshow where you can see the captions, alternatively hover over an image and they will show up.


Koala feeding
Koala feeding




Creepy, Crawly, Slimy or Scary

……and now a little postscript. “Why Blue-banded Bees drive me nuts”

Check out the video here:

Can you see the bee?


It really is there, just follow the arrow and you’ll find it… maybe!




Author: macmsue

I’m a sister, wife, mother, grandmother, auntie and friend. I prefer to be outside and am interested in photography, nature and different cultures. I believe everything on this earth has a right to be here but some things and some people would be happiest if their space was far away from mine. (Flies and biting bugs take note!) I don’t like housework and think dust is Nature’s way of saying, “This is my space, I was here first.”

6 thoughts on “Wildlife Visitors in November 2016”

  1. Love your photos of the tawny frogmouths, and that planthopper is so bright and green! Good captures of the damselfly and dragonfly – they’re hard to photograph.

    1. I’m lucky the Frogmouths keep coming back to pose for me. The Planthopper was a new insect to me. We still have some pools of water in a creek bed and the Damselflies are prolific but the Dragonfly was a lucky shot. I saw it land on a flat stone a couple of metres away so I just focused on that and hoped for the best.

So, what do you think?