Happy Place

When I saw the topic for this week’s challenge I quickly realized my happy place is just about anywhere OUTSIDE. My photos were taken this morning as I walked about a happy place.

Author: macmsue

I’m a sister, wife, mother, grandmother, auntie and friend. I prefer to be outside and am interested in photography, nature and different cultures. I believe everything on this earth has a right to be here but some things and some people would be happiest if their space was far away from mine. (Flies and biting bugs take note!) I don’t like housework and think dust is Nature’s way of saying, “This is my space, I was here first.”

2 thoughts on “Happy Place”

  1. My happy place would also be just about anywhere outside. Except not in a crowded city. Your garden / bush photos make me feel happy. What an amazing
    view from the verandah!

    1. It is a great view, the neighbours are well hidden by the tree tops, at least looking in that direction but none are right beside us. Hope I can maintain your interest. 🙂

So, what do you think?